The Eternal Child!

“Let the children come to me for they are the kingdom of God” Jesus Christ


 Paradise is here , and now . We know no other way. So let us reclaim our oneness

with abandon…. To rediscover …our child like ways.

 I remember when I was a Child , about 2 years old. I loved to jump in water puddles after a rain. I loved to laugh  and laugh and laugh for no special reason.  I had no sense of time restriction, I just knew I would live forever. I loved to dance when no one was watching . I loved to sing off  key. I really love the birds for I was sure they would teach me to fly and  sing  at the same time !  I remember the joy I found in jumping in a pile of leaves or making a snow angel.

         Me and my girl friend Peggy  would collect dandelions, put them in water and watch then curl up. This was a very important “  must do “ , in our daily agenda.  We would collect wild flowers and make beautiful bouquets. Play , ”she loves me , she loves me not”.

I would talk to the cat, as if  she were my devoted friend and confidant. And  of course , she would talk back .

Playing in the sand box. Making mud pies. Running as fast as I could. I became a super hero with just the placement of a towel and a safety pin. Starring at a flower brought me happiness. I and nature were one. And when the wind came up I knew that If it would get just a little bit stronger I  could  stretched out  my arms , and fly !  Blowing on the dried flower tops and watching the fairies play . Running through  hundreds of lightning bugs. Saluting the rain with arm raised and mouth open tasting the rain drops. Believing that grape cool aid ice cubes must be the nectar from  the Gods . Picking the flowers from the front garden and presenting the to my mother at the back door, feeling as if I had created them myself !  Wishing upon a star late in a sleepless night that that beautiful little girl at day care would give me a kiss.  And at age 4 I remember getting two new borns together  just knowing that they  would understand each other, in their secret baby talk .  Feeling totally safe and loved as my mother tucks me in at night.


We are eternal children . For such is the kingdom of heaven.

We laugh we sing we dance we cry we live we love in the moment…. all the time.

We are eternal children , we have no reason to judge to hate  to mistrust.

We project no labels , guard no boundaries.

We are eternal children. Why hurry if we have eternity?

We live completely in the now. We have no expectation of right or wrong. We know joy !

We are eternal children, we just exist.

We eat , we breath, we run, we laugh we play we cry , we are chuck full of

              unconditional love. We know there’s no other way !

 God,  Let me be….

The eternal child  that is accepting of everything . Allowing

everything to naturally unfold. Noticing the D.N.A of the Gods, The God and Goddess inside of us.

That I  may not  label things , judge  people ,  record no wrongs. That I may

forgive , in advance. know no distinction of  shape, color , size or personality, Race

 color , sexual preference  or religious views.

True enlightenment  can be seen as the process of remembering

the child within us all. For in the heart of the little child is purity.

Pure divine love and acceptance is the ticket to eternal life , here and

now, we are truly , living in the heavenly realms .

If we…. could only see…

.through the eyes of a little…… child.

Scott RandallLindberg Jan. 2012

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