I know we are all totally interconnected. All of nature shouts out our inherent collective consciousness We are not separate from all other living things. We are all one body, one  exquisite  orchestra in concert, performing, playing, emerging, proclaiming, in sound, the celestial songs of love , life  in light.

Our D.N.A strands are interconnected to the community of the all.  When we let go of the illusion that we are alone, that we are separate, we will discover that we are totally an integral a part of our environment. From a grain of sand to the planets of all galaxies light years away. As we look around we understand our inter- connectiveness.  We are… a village, we are… our neighbors. We are… the trees,  we are… the sky. We are…the heavens. We are not separate from. We are a beautiful perfectly valued part of the whole.

In the song of the universal symphony the single string on the violin is played in concert with all other strings and all other instruments . She is totally unique in her own way.  There are no other strings exactly like her. She plays notes with her exclusive technique in a sequence that has never been played exactly like it before.  She is sharing the neck of the instrument with other strings, yet exclusive in the sound that only she can make. Rare and exceptional, made to proclaim her sole purpose, she is a part of the whole orchestra yet exquisitely vital to the sound, the feel, and the beauty of the masterpiece. Without her the whole instrument would be useless and thus the community would suffer. So, yes, we know that we are all one. Yet we are all, also, thoroughly, perfectly irreplaceable, distinctive and unique.

Dr. Wayne Dyer states in His Book  ~Living the Wisdom of the Dow~

~“We have a inspired need to be related to something bigger than ourselves. Something more alive than one’s self. Something older and not yet born, that will endure through time. That enduring “something” confirms your greatness, your absolute connection to the infinite. There’s a sense of being prenatally aligned with a sort of senior partner that is greatness to itself.~      ~Lao-tzu in the writing of the Tao the 25th verse advises us to notice the planet the people and the heavens and see greatness. Next, look at yourself and see that you’re a component of them all. That is befriend what appears to be the great mystery of creation by discovering the greatness with in YOU. The joy of noticing the greatness that you share with heaven, earth and all of its people. By consistently hanging on to your own “greatness heritage, “ you ensure that the always-present TAO , i.e. God , is consciously available “. From this perspective of greatness only greatness can emerge from you. You are so very special and prized, Totally counted considered and loved, Collectively and individually.”~                                Dr Wayne W Dyer  Living the wisdom of the Tao

                                                                                                    You Are Special !!!

Out of the millions of sperm cells rushing toward the union of the egg in your mother’s womb in the dynamic rhythmic dance of love, you were the only one to be chosen to become a vital living, feeling  perfect personification of God , as a human creature here on this little planet earth. The color of your eyes the texture of your hair the tone of your voice .Your beautiful face. Your superb bone structure. All your thoughts words and dreams were preplanned and lovingly designed, specifically for you.     There’s no one in the whole world, no one……ever, created like you!!! Now you have arrived , here and now, as a special, one of a kind , beautiful moving , breathing creation of light!   No one has ever walked exactly like you do. None has ever moved their head, formed their mouth, just like you. The ways in which you express yourself, your thoughts, your words, all your charms and the special wonders of the ways in which you express your love is your own.  So evident on your fingers tips for even the swirl on your finger is unique only to you, out of a trillion, trillion beings!

Look at a snow flake, never one the same yet all a part of the snow. Every grain of sand, held under a microscope, all extraordinary in their own way yet all a part of the beach. The exhilarating form and sight of the lightning bolt , never the same yet a part of the storm. Each cloud in the sky so beautifully distinctive yet all a member of the atmosphere. So it is with all of creation. In cooperation with the all yet masterly designed to be supremely extraordinarily unique.

We can speak words in an order that no one has ever spoken before. We can hum a tune that has never been composed before. We can write a poem or a thought that has never in a million years ever been thought. Write a E-mail that has never been expressed quite the same way. Paint a masterpiece with  that has never been painted before . We can move our bodies in a dance in motions that have never been choreographed quite the same way. Even now,yes right now we can jump up in the air , clap our hands and land on the ground. in a way that has never been done before in the history of all human kind.

We can exhibit our uniqueness Express our love and forgiveness to someone who has perhaps never felt it quite the same way before and that could  perhaps, lead to a profound positive change in  their lives. We can speak encouragement, Heal the sick and comfort the broken with just a few special words of light and compassion.

Yes, we are all unique, yet not alone. Never separate from the whole. From the very cells to the protons, electrons and neutrons, to our nervous system to the very beat of our hearts we are all a part of the one body. Conceived…. in love, by love, for love. We are just as numerous as the stars and just as special yet all a part of the solar system and all with the capabilities to travel to distant planets and surf the celestial waves of the universes.

We are enmeshed, braided with the loving desire of the cosmos. All electrometrically connected,   All harmonically vibrating out of supreme intention. As we individually expand out , receive in , we  communicate together in Love. This energy has always been, always will be , is ever radiating and caressing the God and Godness inside us all . we are beings uniquely prized  and promoted for the excellence of everything. When we feel love and express it through our particular essence we send out emotion to all of humanity to all of creation. Like the single violin sting we make the music complete and lovely.  We touch the whole and perfect, the intent of the feelings the music brings. We sing to all creation a first time song in unison with the songs of the past present and future, of the collective compelling  symphony of  collaboration and beauty.

And I am inspired. I am compelled to say. I find heaven when I recognize my part in this beautiful orchestration of love. I am so very special , moving and breathing,  playing , with the all . Billions of people, alive here now and even those who have passed through. I rejoice. I jump up, and clap my hands like hands have never clapped before. I defy gravity and spinout multi-colored rainbows. Ha ! I lift up my arms in praise,to you, to God and to myself, as I participate in this great creation with movement. Oh wonder of wonders!  Joy of joys !  As the turbulent tide rushes in to caress the sands, ever changing in a unique form, bathed in chaotic order. I am effervescent!

God’s love is embracing ever caressing our individualality, and using it collectively in community to illuminate his perfect, effortless, easily mirrored splendor and unconditional affection.

Even in our breathing ,each with his own single breath, we are contributing to the whole, To the everlasting essence of all life.  Proclaiming our divinity with the breath of GOD.  Inhaling the same air as those who have gone before us and exhaling into those who are yet to appear.

No one is the same, yet we are twins, from the same mother and father.  Reflections of the light of the sun, totally different and totally the same. All brothers and sisters all…Children of the God.

We are  miracles , Every thought and every action we take  is a unique demonstration of His shared ability to create from his multicolored pallet that is so….  Full… of Us. We are His medium used on His loving pallet to paint the skies, to color the flowers, to imprint in our hearts and  our minds   all creative energy and spontaneous glorious beauty of His creation ! We increase, we perpetuate the all giving source of everything. Light, love, joy, unconditional forgiveness and peace. We dance, we laugh in spontaneity shouting out His purpose to Love and sing the childlike songs of the eternal ages.

He seems to say…“ My dear beloved child, You are one of a kind. And I need you. Be devoted to your specialness and adore the marvelous you-ness in all things. I want you, I desire you and cherish you as much as I cherish the sparrow, The bee and the flower. I love you as much as I have ever loved before. I want you in my life and hold you as I hold galaxies and distant worlds. I lift up, in highest esteem all your thoughts and all you ideas, all your earthly desires and all your chosen words. I participate in all your dreams. Your life was prepared in love, preplanned in excitement, longed for in loving expectation. There is no one in all the worlds, even before time, that is, exactly like you. Now you have arrived, here and now, as a very special, one of a kind intricate, spontaneous, loving living creature.  A miracle of miracles. Move ,breath , laugh, hope and dream of me ,  in me , out of me , for me , with me  and “as” me ! I send you my tender kisses, and embraces. I send you light and the ability to share your special gift.  As you laugh with me, laugh at yourself. As you seek my love, give it away. Receive love from everyone you see with open arms. Give a lot of hugs!  Forever foster all Forgiveness to creation, to every living thing ….. in advance.

For you are blessed every bit as much as the angels .You are my children, my offspring. My mercies and my heart. You are eternal.  I know the name of every cell in your body. I know the numbers of every single hair on your head. I know every word that you will speak and covet your presence when you come over for our morning tea. Yes every thought you think is a brand new thing. Even though all has been thought, all has been said, there is still purpose and intent, eternal value in all you think and say. How could you be more awe inspiring, more miraculous”!

I am me, the only Scott Randall Lindberg there ever was and or ever will be. I am a special  unique star exploding with loving purpose and power, used to light the world. Among billions, Yes, yet  supremely revered and rare and specially selected to be one of His own. Crowned with the heavens and totally irreplaceable.   All in all, with every living being.

How exciting to realize how large my family is. How we are all interconnected.

As the sun rays touch everything so shall I share my unique kind of joy, hope, wisdom and truth to all . I am uniquely created to be me … and to express my special glorious eternal loving person with all  the universe, all my family …. In Joy!

P.s… Thank-you .

Scott Randall Lindberg



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