Introduction To My Essays & Poems

The songs, the poems, the essays, the music and the art are all from the same source. All of life is written within my spirit. You might even say it was already there. I just had to allow my ego to step out of the way and let spirit express itself through me. It seems now that the pain and hardship I have experienced in my life has slowly worn away the self that always seemed to be an obstacle to my expressing, love and forgiveness, joy and freedom. As we get older I believe that we get more sensitive to emotion, to intuition and imagination. As new love for nature and for others emerge. It’s like my ears and eyes have been opened up for the first time. Yes it was always there I just had to put attention to it and learn to listen.
The spirits of the hevenlys have always been gently speaking, yet I was too involved in the illusion of self to hear. Now through silent mediation I have found a treasure. I must only start to lovingly, gently dig. He provides the rest. The words have already been written through the ages past. I am just another instrument that God has chosen to personify His loving intent. To bring joy !

Every human being is an artist and our supreme art is the expression of the beauty of our spirit.
The force of life, love and forgiveness working through us is what really creates the art. The art is alive and it has spirit awareness because it comes from all life. It has self awareness because it comes from our human experience. This creation is ongoing and is endless. It is happening every moment and everywhere. Yes! God is the supreme artist . He uses our lives for the creation of His art. His loving intent. We are the instruments through which the force of life expresses itself.
Let us recall, uncover, our true passions and come to an enlightening, an awakening to the realization of who we really are. Let us express our art in all we do and say and step into the glorious light of wonder, imagination and romance!

Thank you for taking the time to read my essays.

~ Scott Randall Lindberg

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